Garlic Mushrooms

First, I have a confession to make. Those aren't my garlic mushrooms (blush). You can probably guess - subtle clues like the lack of any garlic might, um, give it away :-). But I don't I don't have a picture of mine, so for now this will have to do :-).
Ahem. Where was I?
Oh yes. Does your kitchen have a knitting needle in it? No? Well - read on!
There isn’t much garlic doesn’t go with. Well, except vampires. Though if you want to know why vampires hate garlic, you’ll have to read Much Ado about Dragons (Amazon) :-).
So. Garlic doesn’t go with vampires, at least it doesn’t if you’re the vampire and not the walking bottle of yum a vampire tends to look for on a dark and stormy… No. Not on a dark and stormy night. Definitely not on a dark and stormy night.
Cue lightning :-).
But garlic goes with most other things. Well, maybe not trifle. Perhaps. Though…. Hmmmmmm…
No. Not trifle. Let's not try that one again (blush).
Still. I was talking about garlic. So let me suggest something to you. What if I said 'every kitchen needs a knitting needle'? A what? Yes. You heard right.
Every kitchen needs a knitting needle.
But why does every kitchen need a knitting needle? Listen very carefully, young paddy-wack. I shall tell you...